

Scala Center Logo

Guillaume Massé

Martin Duhem

Presentation Plan

  • What is Scala-Native ?
  • Demo: Ncurse Bandwidth Monitor
  • Setup (System/Sbt)
  • Implementation
    • Draw Loop
    • Find Network Interface Name
    • Get Bitrate
    • Draw Bitrate Graph

What is Scala-Native ?

What is Scala-Native ?

How does it work?

  • JVM: *.scala -> *.class -> jvm
  • Native: *.scala -> *.ll -> app.exe

Features 0.1.0

  • Amazing C Interrop
  • Garbage Collection
  • Fast startup time
  • IDE support (100% Scala)
  • seamless sbt integration (sbt compile, crossProject)

Features 0.2.0

  • java.util.regex.*, java.io.*
  • scala.concurrent.future
  • Better support for strings and characters
  • System properties
  • ...

Features 0.3.0

  • Improved garbage collector
  • java.nio.*, java.util.jar.*, java.util.zip.*
  • sbt test

Features 0.4.0?

  • Improved Interop (@densh)
  • Windows support (@muxanick)
  • Automatic binding generation (@jonas)
scalafmt demo

Ncurse Bandwidth Monitor

┌[ 1.59 KiB/s ]─────[ snbwmon| interface: wlp4s0 ]─[ Received ]┐
│-              *                                              │
│-              *                                        *     │
│-              *   *                                    *     │
│-              *   *                                    *     │
│-              *   *            *                       *     │
└[ 0 B/s ]─────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
┌[ 3.74 KiB/s ]─────────────────────────────────[ Transmitted ]┐
│-                                                             │
│-       *                 *                            *      │
│-       *   *             * *                          *      │
│-       *   *  * *      * * * *                   *    *   *  │
│-       *   *  * * * *  * * * * * * * * * *   *   *  * *   *  │
└[ 0 B/s ]─────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
┌[ Received ]──────────────────┐┌[ Transmitted ]───────────────┐
│Current:               384 B/s││Current:               564 B/s│
│Maximum:            1.59 KiB/s││Maximum:            3.74 KiB/s│
│Average:               113 B/s││Average:               164 B/s│
│Minimum:                 0 B/s││Minimum:                 0 B/s│
│Total:                3.65 GiB││Total:                2.88 GiB│
│                              ││                              │
nbwmon terminal demo

System Setup

$ brew install llvm \
               bdw-gc \
               re2 \
$ sudo apt-get install clang \
                       libgc-dev \
                       libunwind-dev \
                       libre2-dev \
$ nix-shell .

Sbt Setup


  addSbtPlugin("org.scala-native" % "sbt-scala-native" % "0.2.1")


  scalaVersion := "2.11.11"

Implementation Plan

  • Draw Loop
  • Find Network Interface Name
  • Get Bitrate
  • Draw Bitrate Graph

Draw Loop

  object LoopMain {
    def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
      waitLoop {

Draw Loop (C VS Scala)

  // In C
  void waitLoop() {
    long timer  = 0;
    bool redraw = true;
    struct timeval tv;

      gettimeofday(&tv, NULL);

      if (timer < tv.tv_sec) {
        timer = tv.tv_sec;
        redraw = true;

      if(redraw) {
        redraw = false

  // IN Scala
  def waitLoop(body: => Unit): Unit = {
    var timer  = 0L
    var redraw = false
    val tv: Ptr[timeval] =

    while (true) {
      gettimeofday(tv, null)

      if (timer < tv.tv_sec) {
        timer = tv.tv_sec
        redraw = true

      if (redraw) {
        redraw = false


   //in C

   int gettimeofday(
     struct timeval *tv, 
     struct timezone *tz
   struct timeval {
     time_t      tv_sec;
     suseconds_t tv_usec;

    object posix {

      def gettimeofday(
        tv: Ptr[timeval],
        tz: Ptr[timezone]
      ): Unit = extern

      type timeval = CStruct2[

POSIX api (cont.)

  object posixops {
    implicit class timevalOps(val ptr: Ptr[timeval]) {
      def tv_sec: time_t       = !(ptr._1)
      def tv_usec: suseconds_t = !(ptr._2)

Implementation Plan

  • Draw Loop
  • Find Network Interface Name
  • Get Bitrate
  • Draw Bitrate Graph

ifaddrs api

  int getifaddrs(
    struct ifaddrs **ifap);

  void freeifaddrs(
    struct ifaddrs *ifa);

  struct ifaddrs {
    struct ifaddrs  *ifa_next;
    char            *ifa_name;
    unsigned int     ifa_flags;
    struct sockaddr *ifa_addr;
    struct sockaddr *ifa_netmask;
    struct sockaddr *ifa_ifu;
    void            *ifa_data;

  object Ifaddr {
    def getifaddrs(
      ifap: Ptr[Ptr[Ifaddrs]]
    ): CInt = extern

    def freeifaddrs(
      ifa: Ptr[Ifaddrs]
    ): Unit = extern

    type Ifaddrs = CStruct7[
      Ptr[CByte], // scala-native#634

C Flags

  class SiocgifFlags(val value: CInt) extends AnyVal {
    def &(other: SiocgifFlags): Boolean =
      (value & other.value) == other.value
  object SiocgifFlags {
    val Up       = new SiocgifFlags(1 << 1)
    val Loopback = new SiocgifFlags(1 << 4)
    val Running  = new SiocgifFlags(1 << 6)
    // ...

$$$ Richer Types $$$

  implicit class IfaddrsOps(val ptr: Ptr[Ifaddrs]){
    // scala-native#634
    def next: Ptr[Ifaddrs]  = (!(ptr._1)).cast[Ptr[Ifaddrs]]
    def name: Ptr[CChar]       = !(ptr._2)
    def flags: SiocgifFlags    = new SiocgifFlags(!(ptr._3))
    def addr: Option[SockAddr] = Option(new SockAddrOps(!(ptr._4)))
    def data: Ptr[Byte]        = !(ptr._7)
    // scala-native#367 we need to manually box Ptr[T]
    def iterator: Iterator[IfaddrsOps] = new Iterator[IfaddrsOps]{
      private var current = new IfaddrsOps(ptr)

      def hasNext: Boolean = current.ptr.next != null
      def next(): IfaddrsOps = {
        current = new IfaddrsOps(current.next)

Get Network Interfaces

  def withIfaddrs[A](f: Iterator[IfaddrsOps] => A): A = {
    val ifaddrs = stackalloc[Ptr[Ifaddrs]]

    if (getifaddrs(ifaddrs) != -1) {
      val ret = f((!ifaddrs).iterator)
    } else {
      println("failed to getifaddrs")

Find Network Interface Name

  def findInterface: Option[String] = {
    withIfaddrs(_.find(interface =>
       (interface.flags & Up) &&
       (interface.flags & Running) &&
      !(interface.flags & Loopback)
    ).map(interface => fromCString(interface.name)))

Implementation Plan

  • Draw Loop
  • Find Network Interface Name
  • Get Bitrate
  • Draw Bitrate Graph

Total Received/Transmitted

  case class Counters(val rx: CUnsignedLong, val tx: CUnsignedLong)
  object Counters {
    def apply(stats: Ptr[RtnlLinkStats]): Counters =
      Counters(stats.rxBytes, stats.txBytes)

  def getCounter(interfaceName: String): Option[Counters] = {
      _.find(interface =>
        fromCString(interface.name) == interfaceName &&
        ifa.addr.map(_.family == Packet).getOrElse(false)
      .map(interface =>

Total Received/Transmitted (in C)

  int getData(char* ifname, unsigned long *tx_bytes, 
                            unsigned long *rx_bytes) { 
    struct ifaddrs *ifaddr, *ifa;
    int ret = 0;
    if (getifaddrs(&ifaddr) == -1) return;
    for (ifa = ifaddr; ifa != NULL; ifa = ifa->ifa_next) {
       if (ifa->ifa_addr == NULL)

       if (!strncmp(ifname, ifa->ifa_name, IFNAMSIZ))

       if (ifa->ifa_addr->sa_family == AF_PACKET && 
           ifa->ifa_data != NULL) {
         struct rtnl_link_stats *stats = ifa->ifa_data;
         *tx_bytes = stats->tx_bytes;
         *rx_bytes = stats->rx_bytes;
         ret = 1;
    return ret;

Catch 22

  type RtnlLinkStats = CStruct22[
    CUnsignedInt, //  [1] rx_packets
    CUnsignedInt, //  [2] tx_packets
    CUnsignedInt, //  [3] rx_bytes
    CUnsignedInt, //  [4] tx_bytes
    CUnsignedInt, //  [5] rx_errors
    CUnsignedInt, //  [6] tx_errors
    CUnsignedInt, //  [7] rx_dropped
    CUnsignedInt, //  [8] tx_dropped
    CUnsignedInt, //  [9] multicast
    CUnsignedInt, // [10] collisions
    CUnsignedInt, // [11] rx_length_errors
    CUnsignedInt, // [12] rx_over_errors
    CUnsignedInt, // [13] rx_crc_errors
    CUnsignedInt, // [14] rx_frame_errors
    CUnsignedInt, // [15] rx_fifo_errors
    CUnsignedInt, // [16] rx_missed_errors
    CUnsignedInt, // [17] tx_aborted_errors
    CUnsignedInt, // [18] tx_carrier_errors
    CUnsignedInt, // [19] tx_fifo_errors
    CUnsignedInt, // [20] tx_heartbeat_errors
    CUnsignedInt, // [21] tx_window_errors
    CUnsignedInt  // [22] rx_compressed

    // we are limited to 22 fields scala-native#637
    // it's ok to ignore those since we don't allocate RtnlLinkStats64
    // CUnsignedInt, // [23] tx_compressed
    // CUnsignedInt  // [24] rx_nohandler

< 22 we are safe


  implicit class RtnlLinkStatsOps(val ptr: Ptr[RtnlLinkStats]){
    def rxBytes: CUnsignedInt = !(ptr._3)
    def txBytes: CUnsignedInt = !(ptr._4)

Implementation Plan

  • Redraw Loop
  • Find Network Interface Name
  • Get Bitrate
  • Draw Bitrate Graph

  val size = windowSize(stdscr)
  waitLoop {
    getCounter(interfaceName).foreach(data =>
      history += data
    graphWindow(rxGraph, history, RX, Some(interfaceName), green)
    graphWindow(txGraph, history, TX, None, red)
    statsWindow(rxStats, history, RX)
    statsWindow(txStats, history, TX)

  object ncurses {
    import ncursesh._
    def newWindow(
      height: Int, width: Int, 
      y: Int, x: Int): Ptr[Window] = extern

    // print formatted string
    def printFormatted(
      window: Ptr[Window], 
      y: CInt, x: CInt,
      fmt: CString, args: CVararg*
    ): CInt = extern
    // print one char
    def printChar(
      window: Ptr[Window],
      y: CInt, x: CInt,
      ch: ChType
    ): CInt = extern

Plain Scala

class CountersHistory (
  maxSize: Int,
  var lastTotal: Option[Counters],
  txQueue: Queue[CUnsignedLong],
  rxQueue: Queue[CUnsignedLong]){

  def maximum(way: Way): Option[Double] =
    stats(way, _.max.toDouble)

  def average(way: Way): Option[Double] =
    stats(way, q => q.sum.toDouble / q.size.toDouble)

  def +=(v: Counters): CountersHistory = {
    lastTotal.foreach{ lv =>
      if(txQueue.size > maxSize) {

      if(rxQueue.size > maxSize) {

      val t = v - lv
      rxQueue += t.rx
      txQueue += t.tx

    lastTotal = Some(v)


  private def stats(way: Way, statsF: Queue[CUnsignedLong] => Double): Option[Double] = {
    val queue = getQueue(way)

    if(queue.isEmpty) None
    else Some(statsF(queue))

Plain Scala

  def printGraphWindow(window: Ptr[Window],
                       history: CountersHistory,
                       way: Way
                       interfaceName: Option[String]): Unit = {
    // Print the title
    interfaceName.foreach{ name =>
      val text = s"[ snbwmon | interface: $name ]"
      val center = (size.width - text.size) / 2
      printFormatted(window, 0, center, toCString(text));

    // For each column...
    history.maximum(way).foreach{ max =>
      val (rate, unit) = showBytes(max)  
      printFormatted(window, 0, 1, c"[%.2f %s/s]", rate, toCString(unit))
      // ... starting from the right ...
      history.getQueue(way).reverse.zipWithIndex.foreach{ case (value, i) =>
        val col = size.width - i - 2
        val border = 2
        val h = Math.ceil(value.toDouble / max.toDouble * (size.height - border).toDouble)
        var j = size.height - 2
        var jj = 0
        // ... print each row
        while(j > 0 && jj < h) {
          printChar(window, j, col, '*')
          j -= 1
          jj += 1


What is next ?

Try it out: git.io/vSMS7

sbt new Duhemm/cmdline.g8

  • Simple example of command line app with Native
  • Everybody has lots of small tools they wrote
  • Port them to Native, this can serve as inspiration!
  • ... Or simply complete this app :)

Hacking ideas

  • use crossProject on existing libraries
  • port cli tools to native (scalafmt, coursier, ...)
  • Hack on your Raspberry PI 3 (IOT)
  • ...

Questions ?

Please Vote (:--))